
Dev Log

I Discovered Kirby then Changed Everything

As I dwell deeper into the indie web I discover new things all the time. What I found this time had me rewrite this entire web site from almost scratch.

Kirby ( describes itself as "...the CMS that adapts to you" and it's the best thing ever.

Eleventy is great and I enjoy using it. But now I can edit and add posts when I'm not on my laptop. Everything is better organized. No longer do I have to start a new post or game from a template consisting of multiple files. I can now publish with a just a tap.

I paused game development just to re-write this website using Kirby. I'm almost done.

Somethings are still missing like the RSS feed but I'll get to that soon.

Implementing RSS and Open Graph

Implementing an RSS feed to the dev journal and game blog today. Won't be ready until next week though. Still have some issues and need a break from it.

Added a general Open Graph to the pages.

Adding some automation to GitHub to upload new builds of this site.

Ready to start a new game.
